Andrea Granger
Title: Vice President Company: PurLucid Consulting Location: Calgary, Alberta With 13 years in the oil and energy consulting arena, Andrea Granger currently utilizes her knowledge in the industry as...
View ArticleCathy Horen
Title: Research Consultant Location: Wheat Ridge, Colo. Since 2004, Cathy Horen has been dedicated to a select group of big-clients, independently providing land consultancy, asset research and...
View ArticleAnita Orwig
Title: President Company: Orwig Oil Co., Inc. Location: Sarasota. Fla. In 1965, Anita Orwig’s husband Chuck moved to Ohio, forming their current company Orwig Oil Co., Inc., and began leasing, drilling...
View ArticleLisa Jordan
Title: Facility Business Manager of CCS Midstream Services Company: Tervita Waste Processing Location: Fort St. John, B.C. For the past two years, Lisa Jordan has been facility business manager of...
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